
A Smartphone Intervention for Pregnancy Smoking Cessation with Peer Support 
(Smoke-Free Together 2.0)

The objectives of this project are to develop, implement, and test the feasibility and effectiveness of an artificial intelligence adaptive mobile pregnancy tobacco cessation app-based intervention using deep tailoring and a self-nominated support person, and to build mHealth research capacity in Romania.

Ethical considerations related to e-cigarette use for pregnancy smoking cessation 

E-cigarettes have the potential to help smokers who cannot or will not quit tobacco smoking, by delivering nicotine without the toxicity of tobacco smoke. Anecdotal evidence, including from our ongoing work, suggests that e-cigarettes may have helped tobacco smoking cessation during pregnancy.

Supplement: Mobile Health Intervention for Family Smoking Cessation in Romania 
(IFF Notifications)

This supplement will contribute to the advancement of a program of research focused on the translation of health discoveries into clinical applications with the potential to increase pregnancy tobacco smoking cessation and prevent postnatal smoking relapse.

A Mobile Health Intervention for Family Smoking Cessation in Romania
(Smoke-Free Together)

The project aims to develop and test the first couples’ pregnancy smoking cessation Romanian language mobile app. The long term goal of our research program is to develop, implement, and disseminate effective and sustainable mHealth interventions to prevent and reduce smoking in families…

A mHealth Intervention to Prevent Smoking Relapse After Pregnancy (RESPREMO)

This project aims to develop an adapted and enhanced mHealth couple intervention to prevent postpartum smoking relapse. The main goal of this project is to develop, implement, and disseminate effective and sustainable interventions to prevent and reduce smoking in families over their reproductive life span.

Increasing Capacity in Research in Eastern Europe project (iCREATE)

The goals of this project are to create a critical mass of injury researchers from multiple disciplines and to engage injury and violence agencies and stakeholders.
The specific aims to meet these goals are to: Train a critical mass of researchers from Armenia, Georgia, and Moldova to conduct innovative injury and violence research using advanced methods and analytic approaches…

Copil Iubit la Bord

The project aims to increase the correct use of child passenger safety products by providing educational content relative to child safety restraints and the Romanian legislation regarding them.

Electronic-cigarettes (e-cigs) and Heat-Not-Burn-Products (HNBPs) among Romanian young adults aged 18-25: knowledge, attitudes, and hypothetical purchase tasks to evaluate behavioral economic demand for these products (SONA)

The use of electronic devices that deliver nicotine, such as e-cigs and HNBPs, has increased in recent years, especially in young adults. Although there is limited…

Exploring experiences and attitudes towards breastfeeding among mothers, midwives and lactation consultants from Romania

Breastfeeding plays an important role in both mother’s and children’s health. It comes with numerous benefits, which are short-term and long-term, in both infants and mothers. For infants, these include lower risk of infection…

Selected publications


  1. Dascăl M, Kallay E. The Investigation of changes in health-related quality of life before and after giving birth in a sample of Romanian women. 2022.

  2. Cazacu-Stratu A, Varga N.K, Cociu S, Dulf D, Peek-Asa C. Child safety restraint patterns in Moldova. Traffic Inj Prev. 2022, 23(8):483-487, Epub 2022 Aug 10 PMID: 35947496

  3. Meghea CI. 2022. Successful strategies to increase cessation rates among low-income maternal smokers. American Journal of Public Health. 112, no. 3 (March 1, 2022): pp. 351-353


  1. Meghea CI, Onișor A, Blaga OM, Dascăl M, Wette D. 2021. Ghid de consiliere comportamentală bazat pe creșterea motivației și rezolvarea problemelor: Renunțarea la fumat pe timpul sarcinii. Presa Universitara Clujeană, 1

  2. Onișor A, Dascăl M. Improving Mental Health Care for Cancer Patients from Romania at Risk for Moderate to Severe Psychological Distress. Evoluții și tendințe în studiul administrației publice din România Viziunea tinerilor cercetători-Accent. 2021.
  3. Dulf D, Coman MA, Tadevosyan A, Chikhladze N, Cebanu S, Peek-Asa C. A 3-Country Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury Practices and Capacity. World Neurosurgery. 2021;146: e517-e526

  4. Burkadze E, Axobadze K, Chkhaberidze N, Chikhladze N, Coman MA, Dulf D, Peek-Asa C. 2021. Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury in Georgia: A Prospective Hospital-Based Study. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2021;14:1041-1051 doi:


  1. Blaga, O. M., Frățilă, T. D., & Meghea, C. I. 2020, December. Using Behavioral Nudges to Engage Pregnant Women in a Smoking Cessation Trial: An Online Field Quasi-Experiment. In Healthcare (Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 531). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. DOI: 3390/healthcare8040531
  1. Rusu A, Blaga O.M., Bucevschi M, Meghea CI. Co-designing an mHealth intervention to prevent smoking relapse after birth. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 22. P. 21-25. DOI: 10.24913/rjap.22.1.04
  1. Jaber, R., Blaga, O. M., Dascal, M. D., and Meghea, C. I. 2020. Perceived safety of smoking a few cigarettes during pregnancy and provider advice in a sample of pregnant smokers from Romania. Addiction. July. DOI:
  1. Dascal M,  Rusu A.,Onisor A., Blaga OM, Miller M., Meghea CI. 2020, 6 (April): 24. An mHealth intervention to prevent postnatal smoking relapse: the RESPREMO study protocol. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. DOI: 10.18332/tpc/11872
  1. Dascăl, M.D., Meghea, C.I., & Blaga, O.M. 2020. A Cross-Section Study of Relationship Characteristics and Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy in a Sample of Romanian Pregnant Women. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-020-02898-3

  2. Meghea C.I. 2020. Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Use and Cigarette Smoking Frequency and Intensity Among Young Adult Smokers. JAMA Network Open. November. 3(11):e2016121. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.16121

  3. Cociu S, Cebanu S, Rojnoveanu G, Dulf D, Peek-Asa C, Afifi R. Key informant insights in Moldovas prevention and response system for traumatic brain injuries. Int J Adv Res. 2020;8:1245-1254. doi:10.21474/IJAR01/11039


  1. Dascal MD, Meghea C, Dubey P, Baban A. 2019. Factors Associated with Moderate to High Nicotine Dependence in a Sample of Pregnant Women from Romania. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology. 21 (2), 54-60. DOI: 10.24913/rjap.21.2.03.
  1. Blaga O.M, Chereches RM, Baba CO. 2019. A Community-Based Intervention for Increasing Access to Health Information in Rural Settings. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences. No. 58 E o. 58 E/October. DOI: 10.24193/tras.58E.2

  2. D Rus, C Peek-Asa, F Jurchiş, AE Baragan. 2019. Safety seat and seat belt use among child motor vehicle occupants, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, accepted for publication in Injury Prevention, DOI:
  3. Dulf D, Peek-Asa C, Jurchiș F, Bărăgan EA. Safety seat and seat belt use among child motor vehicle occupants, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Inj Prev. 2020 Feb;26(1):18-23. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2018-042989. Epub 2019 Jan 23. PMID: 30674541; PMCID: PMC7365347.


  1. Brinzaniuc A, Strilciuc A, Blaga OM, Chereches RM, Meghea CI. 2018; 4(March): 9. Smoking and quitting smoking during pregnancy: A qualitative exploration of the socio-cultural context for the development of a couple-based smoking cessation intervention in Romania. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. DOI:

  2. Meghea CI, Brinzaniuc A, Sidor A, Chereches RM, Mihu D, Iuhas C, Stamatian F, Caracostea G, Dascal M, Foley KF, Baban A, Voice TC, Blaga OM. 2018;4(May):17. A Couples-Focused Intervention for Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy: The Study Protocol of The Quit Together Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. DOI:

  3. Shinar D, et. al. 2018. Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors. Accident Analysis and Prevention 110: 177-186. DOI:

  4. Tudisca, V., Valente, A., Castellani, T., Stahl, T., Sandu, P., Dulf, D., Spitters, H., Van de Goor, I., Radl-Karimi, C., Syed, MA., Loncarevic, N., Juel Lau, C., Roelofs, S., Bertram, M., Edwards, N., Aro, AR., and on behalf of the REPOPA Consortium. 2018. Development of measurable indicators to enhance public health evidence-informed policy-making. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16:47. DOI:

  5. Szabo A, Lazar H, Burian H, Bodrogi J, Rogers T, Ciolompea T, Meghea C, Chalupka FJ, Abram Z, Foley KL. Economia și controlul tutunului în România. In: Dezvoltarea capacității de cercetare în domeniul fumatului în România. Abram Z, Nadasan V (eds). 2018. University Press. Targu-Mures. Romania


  1. Meghea CI, Brinzaniuc A, Rus IA, Chereches RM, Mihu D, Iuhas CI, Stamatian F, Caracostea G, Blaga OM. 2017. Characteristics of Romanian women who enrolled in a postpartum tobacco smoking relapse prevention trial. Public health;154:98.
  1. Hamann C, Dulf D, Baragan-Andrada E, Price M, Peek-Asa C. 2017. Contributors to pedestrian distraction and risky behaviours during road crossings in Romania. Injury Prevention;0: 1–7.[Published online 13 February 2017] doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042219

  2. Spitters, HPEM, Juel Lau, C, Sandu, P, Quanjel, M, Dulf, D, Glümer, C, van Oers, HAM, Van de Goor, IAM. 2017. Unravelling networks in local public health policymaking in three European countries – a systems analysis. Health Research Policy and Systems. 15:5 DOI 10.1186/s12961-016-0168-2.
  1. Spitters, HPEM, Van Oers, JAM, Sandu, Lau, CJ, Quanjel, M, Dulf, D, Chereches, R, Van de Goor, LAM. 2017. Developing a policy game intervention to enhance collaboration in public health policymaking in three European countries. BMC Public Health, 17(1):961. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4963-7.
  1. Van de Goor I, Hämäläinen, RM, Syed, AM, Juel Lau, C, Sandu, P, Spitters, HPEM, Eklund Karlsson, L, Dulf, D, Valente, A, Castellani, T, Aro, AR, on behalf of the REPOPA consortium. 2017. Determinants of Evidence Use in Public Health Policy Making. Results from a study across six EU countries. Health Policy 2017;121(3):273-281; DOI:


  1. Meghea CI, Blaga OM, Chereches RM, Rus IA, Brinzaniuc A, Vasilescu L. August, 2016. Eficacitatea de cuplu în renunțarea la fumat (Dyadic efficacy in smoking cessation). Viaţa Medicală. 34 (1388).
  1. Blaga O.M, Brinzaniuc A., Rus I.A., Chereches R.M., Wallis A.B. 2016. Smoking and Smoking Cessation during Pregnancy. An Analysis of a Hospital Based Cohort of Women in Romania. Journal of Community Health. 42(2):333-343. DOI:
  1. Hämäläinen R-M, Aro A, Juel Lau C, Rus D, Cori L, Syed A. April 2016. The REsearch into POlicy to enhance Physical Activity (REPOPA) Consortium. Cross-sector cooperation in health-enhancing physical activity policymaking: more potential than achievements? Health Research Policy and Systems; 14(1):33. DOI: 10.1186/s12961-016-0103-6.
  1. Rus D, Chereches RM, Peek-Asa C, Marton-Vasarhelyi EO, Oprescu F, Brinzaniuc A, Mocean F. 2016. Paediatric head injuries treated in children’s emergency department from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot;23(2):206-13. DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2013.872671
  1. D Rus, E Bozdog, L Pas, U Janz, M Steffens, M Nectoux, M Sengoelge, K Blank, M Rösslhumer. 2016. Strengthening health system response to gender-based violence – environmental scan in 6 EU countries. Injury Prevention;22:A92. DOI:10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.251


  1. Meghea CI, Brinzaniuc A, Mihu D, Iuhas CI, Stamatian F, Caracostea G, Sidor A, Alexa PM, Branza C, Pop OM, Chereches RM. 2015 Mar. A Couples Intervention to Prevent Postnatal Smoking Relapse: PRISM study design. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 41:273-279. DOI :
  1. Meghea, CI, Blaga OM. 2015. Interzicerea fumatului și industria ospitalieră (Banning smoking and the hospitality industry). Viaţa Medicală. 51-52 (1353-1354).
  1. Hamann, C; Peek-Asa, C; Rus, D. 2015. Epidemiology of pedestrian-MVCs by road type in Cluj, Romania. Injury prevention, 21(2):84-90. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2014-041266.
  1. Rus D; Peek-Asa C; Bărăgan E; Chereches RM; Mocean F. 2015. Epidemiology of road traffic injuries treated in a large Romanian Emergency Department in Tîrgu-Mureş between 2009-2010. Traffic Inj Prev, 16(8):835-41.  doi: 10.1080/15389588.2015.1030501.
  1. E Baragan, D Rus, R Chereches, D Trif. 2015. An environmental scan of child pedestrian injury hotspots in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Eur J Public Health. 25 (suppl 3).


  1. Meghea CI, Rus IA, Chereches RM, Costin N, Caracostea G, Branzaniuc A. 2014. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth outcomes in a sample of Romanian women.  Central European Journal of Public Health. 22(3): 153-158.
  1. D Rus, EA Bărăgan, IA Duse, C Brinza, RM Chereches, C Peek-Asa, F Mocean. 2014. Passengers’ safety: differences among front seat and back seat occupants in a pilot study conducted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Published in EUPHA Conference Proceedings, Eur J Public Health. 24 (suppl 2).

  2. Hamann C, Peek-Asa C, Rus D. 2014. Epidemiology of pedestrian-MVCs by road type in Cluj, Romania Inj Prev. 2015 Apr; 21(2):84-90. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2014-041266 [Epub 2014 Sep 1]


  1. Oana M. Pop, Alexandra Brînzaniuc, Emanuela O. Șirlincan, Cătălin O. Baba, Răzvan M. Cherecheș. 2013. Assessing health literacy in rural settings: A pilot study in rural areas of Cluj County, Romania. Global Health Promotion.  20:35-43. DOI:
  1. Edwards, N, Viehbeck, S, Hämäläinen, R M, Rus, D, Skovgaard, T, van de Goor, I, Valente, A, Syed, A, Aro, A R. 2013. Challenges of Ethical Clearance in International Health Policy and Social Sciences Research: Experiences and Recommendations from a Multi-Country Research Programme. Public Health Reviews, 34(1), 1-18.
  1. Gal M, Timofe MP, Rus D, Zavtochi ES, Boeriu C, Chereches RM, Peek-Asa C. 2013. Emergency health care violence: Who is at risk? Evidence from a large Emergency Department in Mures County, Romania. Published in EUPHA Conference Proceedings: Eur J Public Health, Vol 23(suppl 1):164.


  1. Gal M, Rus D, Peek-Asa C, Cherecheş RM, Sirlincan EO, Boeriu C, Baba CO. 2012. Epidemiology of assault and self-harm injuries treated in a large Romanian Emergency Department. Eur J Emerg Med. 19(3):146-52. DOI:10.1097/MEJ.0b013e32834ada2e.
  1. Meghea, C.I., Rus, D., Rus, I.A., Holtrop, J.S., & Roman, L.A. 2012. Smoking during pregnancy and associated risk factors in a sample of Romanian women, Eur J Public Health, 2012, 22(2):229-33. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckq189. Epub 2010 Dec 15.
  1. Meghea, C. I., Rus, I. A., & Rus, D. 2012 Jul. Risk factors associated with nicotine dependence in a sample of Romanian pregnant smokers.  Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol;163(1):22-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2012.03.033. Epub 2012 Apr 25.


  1. Rus, D, Gal M, Chereches, R, Baba CO, Boeriu C. 2011. IDB – The link between Emergency Department and Injury Prevention. Jurnalul de Medicină de Urgenţă şi Salvări în Situaţii Speciale, No: I./2011/Anul III. ISFN: 2066-0278 (Romanian Journal of Emergency Medicine and Rescue).


  1. Meghea, C., Rus, D., Dîrle, I. 2010. Characteristics and Health Behaviors of Pregnant Women in Romania, Gineco, 2010, 6(21):166 – 171.
  1. Baba, C., Cherecheş, R., Brînzaniuc, A., Rus, D. 2010. Assessment of the Reforms of the Romanian Healthcare System, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 24(E): 15-26.
  1. Oprescu, F., Cherecheş, RM, Rus, D., Sirlincan, E.O, & Peek-Asa, C. 2010. Perspectives on pediatric injuries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Published in Psychology & Health Conference Proceedings: 25:6, p. 137 – 376.

Conference presentations


  1. The findings of the usability testing of a m-Health smoking cessation app for pregnant women and their nominated peer supporters
    Poster Presentation
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Frățilă TD, Meghea CI, Foley KL, Resnicow K
    10th International Festival of Public Health, Manchester, UK, July 2022
  2. Usability testing of a smartphone app for pregnancy smoking cessation with peer support 
    Oral Presentation
    Blaga OM, Dascăl MD, Fratila T, Foley KL, Resnicow K, Meghea CI
    Annual conference of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore, MD, USA. March 2022 


  1. Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Quit Together, A Couple Focused Pregnancy Smoking Cessation Intervention In Romania
    Poster Presentation 
    Meghea CI, Dascăl MD, Blaga OM
    Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), February 24-27, 2021 
  2. Mobile Intervention for Family Smoking Cessation in Romania – Exit Interviews
    Poster Presentation 
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Frățilă TD, Aniței-Micu A, Marga P, Meghea CI
    Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), February 24-27, 2021 
  3. Views of Romanian Pregnant Smokers And Ex-Smokers On The Use Of E-Cigarettes And Heat-Not-Burn Products
    Poster Presentation 
    Blaga OM, Frățilă TD, Dascăl MD, Aniței-Micu A, Patricia Marga P, Meghea CI
    Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), February 24-27, 2021 
  4. The Ethics of E-Cigarettes For Smoking Cessation: A Global Challenge.
    Meghea CI, Blaga OM, Dascal M, Frățilă TD, Sandu P, Colosi H.
    European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME) conference. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. September 2021.
  5. Efficacy of The Quit Together Couple Focused Pregnancy Smoking Cessation Intervention In Romania.
    Meghea CI, Blaga OM, Jaber R, Onișor A, Wetter D, Dascăl MD.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. March 2021 – virtual.
  6. Smoke-Free Together– An mHealth pregnancy smoking cessation intervention in Romania.
    Frățilă TD, Blaga OM, Dascăl M, Meghea CI.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. March 2021 – virtual.


  1. Preliminary efficacy of the Quit Together Couple focused pregnancy smoking cessation intervention in Romania.
    Meghea C, Bandici R, Dascal MD.
    World Congress on Public Health. October 2020. Rome, Italy. (abstract published in the European Journal of Public Health Vol. 30)
  2. The Role of Dyadic Support and Geographical Positioning Systems in eHealth Interventions.
    Resnicow K, Meghea CI, Carter P, Woolford S, Moon J.
    Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Conference. April 2020. San Francisco, CA.
  3. Preliminary efficacy of the quit together couple focused pregnancy smoking cessation intervention in Romania.
    Meghea CI, Blaga OM, Bandici RA, Dascăl MD.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. March 2020. New Orleans, LA.
  4. Emotional health factors associated with smoking cessation in a sample of Romanian pregnant women.
    Berger MF, Dascăl MD, Meghea CI.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. March 2020. New Orleans, LA.


  1. Preliminary feasibility and acceptability of the Quit Together couple focused pregnancy smoking cessation intervention in Romania.
    Meghea CI, Dascăl MD, Fratila TD, Blaga OM.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. February 2019. San Francisco, CA.
  2. Qualitative formative research for a couple-focused pregnancy smoking cessation app.
    Fratila TD, Bratulescu I, Meghea CI, Blaga OM
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. February 2019. San Francisco, CA.
  3. Preliminary feasibility and acceptability of StayQuitTogether-a smoking relapse prevention intervention.
    Hoștină A, Blaga OM, Meghea CI, Dascăl M.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. February 2019. San Francisco, CA.
  4. Stay quit together – follow-up feasibility and biochemical verification in a postnatal smoking relapse prevention intervention.
    Dascăl MD, Hoștină A, Blaga O.M., Meghea CI.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco – Europe. September 2019. Oslo, Norway.
  5. Smoke-free together: an mHealth smoking cessation intervention during pregnancy and postpartum. Frățilă TD, Blaga OM, Onisor A, Bratulescu I, Meghea CI.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco – Europe. September 2019. Oslo, Norway.
  6. Beliefs about tobacco and e-cigarettes among women who smoked and quit tobacco during pregnancy.
    Bandici RA, Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco – Europe. September 2019. Oslo, Norway.
  7. Factors associated with moderate to high nicotine dependence in a sample of Romanian pregnant women.
    Dascăl M, Blaga O, Meghea CI, Baban A.
    European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention. April 2019. Bucharest, Romania


  1. Predictors of smoking during pregnancy in a sample of Romanian pregnant women
    Poster Presentation
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI
    18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 
    Munich, Germany, 6-8 September 2018
  2. A mixed dissemination strategy for engagement of pregnant women in a smoking cessation randomized controlled trial.
    Poster Presentation
    Frățilă TD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI.
    18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 
    Munich, Germany, 6-8 September 2018
  3. Using behavioural economics to engage pregnant women in a smoking cessation trial – An online field experiment.
    Poster Presentation
    Blaga OM, Meghea CI, Frățilă TD.
    18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.
    Munich, Germany, 6-8 September 2018
  4. Online Recruitment of Smoker Pregnant Women for a Couple Smoking Cessation Trial Conducted in an Eastern European Country
    Poster Presentation
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI
    24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Nicotine and Tobacco Research
    Hilton Baltimore Hotel, USA, 21-24 February 2018
  5. Predictors of smoking during pregnancy in a sample of Romanian pregnant women
    Poster Presentation
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI
    18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 
    Munich, Germany, 6-8 September 2018


  1. Online enrollment in public health interventions: Lessons learnt from a smoking cessation trial
    Oral Presentation
    Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI
    Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2-4 November 2017
  2. The Role of Media Coverage in Suicide Prevention in Romania
    Poster Presentation
    Dascăl MD, Veress D, Popovici N
    Second Edition of the International Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases
    Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24 May 2017
  3. To what extent do health professionals offer brief advice regarding smoking cessation to pregnant women?
    Oral Presentation
    Dascăl MD, Blaga OM, Meghea CI
    Second Edition of the International Conference on Non-communicable Diseases
    Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24 May 2017


Address: No. 7 Pandurilor Street, Universitas Building, 9th floor, Cluj-Napoca, 400095, Romania

Phone number: +40 264 402 215
